Strength: 2 Pause Back Squats + 2 Back Squats x4 sets
Workout: For Time
Teams of 2!
21-15-9 Power Snatches RX(115lb/75lb) RX+(135lb/95lb)
42-30-18 Calorie ECHO Bike
21-15-9 Synchro Toes To Bar **If you break 100m Shuttle outside**
Strength: 2 Pause Back Squats + 2 Back Squats x4 sets
Workout: For Time
Teams of 2!
21-15-9 Power Snatches RX(115lb/75lb) RX+(135lb/95lb)
42-30-18 Calorie ECHO Bike
21-15-9 Synchro Toes To Bar **If you break 100m Shuttle outside**