Wednesday Workout March 16, 2021
Tuesday March 16, 2021 'Wednesday Workout'

Workout: Teams of 2 Accumulate as many cals as possible!

9 Minutes on Rower/Ski

Partner 1: Row for cals

Partner 2: 15 Situps

1 minute rest,

9 Minutes on Assault Bike/Echo/Bike erg

Partner 1: Bike for Cals

Partner 2: 15 Wallballs

1 min rest repeat this twice!! **So you will row twice and bike twice**

**You and your partner will strategize how you will want to break up the time on the machine, every 1:30 mins, every 10 cals, however you want..But Remember when you get off the machine you have to do either the situps or wallballs.