Great job everyone on the Chosen challenge, we raised over $300 as a gym. Thats awesome guys, and that WOD was fun right? We’ll take it kind of easy today with some “Globo” style strength which is beneficial for everyone. Also, Geoff’s Fundraiser is this weekend. Tickets are still available on www., it’s for a great cause and for everyone to actually wear something other than gym clothes. A lot of people from the gym will be there, it will be a great night. Looking forward to seeing everyone who attends. Another reminder, Yoga is tonight at 7:15! As usual bring a friend or family member for some awesome stretching. See you all at the BOX!
GLOBO: Bench press, banded tricep ext, DB Curls.
10 DB Snatches
10 Toes To Bar
10 Plate Twist (20 total)
20 Weighted Hollow Rocks