Hey Guys great job today with Annie. Annie is another Benchmark WOD, so make sure you write down your time. Also, remember Memorial Day Murph is around the corner, May 25th. With that being said today we are going to do so Murph prep. Memorial Day Murph is going to be a great time, and we will be having Rack Star CrossFit joining us, so lets make it a HUGE Group and crush it. Also, this Wednesday will be a Partner WOD so you don’t want to miss that. Lots of fun things to look forward too. Looking forward to seeing you all at the box!
SWOD: Strict Press
WOD: For Time
8 Power Snatches (115lb, 75lb)
2 rounds of Cindy
6 Power Snatches
2 Rounds of Cindy
4 Power Snatches
2 Rounds Of Cindy
2 Power Snatches
2 Rounds Of Cindy
( 1 Round Of Cindy is 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats)****