Strength: 4×6 Back Rack Reverse Lunges **6 on right leg then 6 on left**
Workout: 10 Minute Ladder
Hang “Squat” Snatch RX(95lb/65lb)
Burpee Pull up
Extra Credit: 4 sets
15 Reverse Hypers
15-20 GHD Situps
Workout: For Time!
Teams of 2
100/80 Cal. Row
100m KB Front Rack Carry RX(53lb/35lb) **50m per partner**
100/80 Cal. Echo
100m KB Overhead Carry
800m Run
100m KB Overhead Carry
100/80 Cal Echo
100m KB Front Rack Carry
100/80 Cal Row
Strength: Every 90 seconds for 15 Minutes
1 Hang “Squat” Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk **Increase weight throughout**
Workout: For Time
75 Double Unders Buy Out
3 Rounds
21 Toes To Bar
21 Push Ups
21 Wallballs RX(20lb/14lb, 10ft/9ft)
75 Double Unders Buy Out
Strength: Pause Back Squat 4×3 **1 second pause at bottom**
Workout: For Time
20 Burpee to 6″ Target BUY IN
4 Rounds
10 Power Cleans RX(135lb/95lb)
20 Air Squats
20 Burpee to 6″ Target BUY OUT
Workout: For Time!
Teams of 2!
50-40-30-20-10 Barbell Floor Press RX(135lb/95lb)
1000m-800m-600m-400m-200m Row
100-80-60-40-20 Situps
200m Run
Strength: Back Rack Reverse Lunges 3×8 **perform 8 reps on right leg before switching**
Workout: For Time
4-8-12-8-4 Power Snatches RX(115lb/75lb) RX+(135lb/95lb)
20 Wallballs RX(20lb/14lb, 10ft/9ft)
10 Pull ups (RX+ 5 Bar Muscle Ups)
Workout: For Time
Teams of 2!
25 Synchro Toes To Bar
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs RX 24″/20″
75 Cal. Echo Bike
100 Double Unders **You both with do dubs together and both will perform 100 before moving on**
20 Synchro Toes To Bar
40 Burpee BJ Overs
60 Cal. Echo Bike
80 Double Unders **Both doing 80 each at the same time**
15 Synchro Toes To Bar
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs
45 Cal. Echo Bike
60 Double Unders **Both doing 60 each at the same time**
Strength: Every 90 seconds for 15 Minutes
1 “Squat” Clean + 1 Front Squat+ 1 Power Jerk **Increase weight throughout**
Workout: For Time
30 Goblet Squats BUY IN RX(53lb/35lb)
3 Rounds
15 Deadlifts RX(185lb/135lb) RX+(225lb/155lb)
10 Handstand Push ups RX+(Deficit HSPU 55lb/45lb plates)
30 Goblet Squats BUY OUT
Strength: Back Squats 3×5 @ 70%-85%
Workout: For Time
400m Run
20/18 Calorie Echo Bike
20 “Squat” Clean RX(135lb/95lb)
400m Run
3 sets
DB Bench 5 Right Arm, 5 Left Arm, 5 Both Arms
10 Barbell Curls
3 sets
3×10 DB Incline Bench + 3×10 DB Hammer Curls **10 per arm**
Workout: For Time
40-30-20-10 Situps
20-15-10-5 Push Press RX(95lb/65lb) RX+(115lb/75lb)
40-30-20-10 V-ups