Thursday Workout
Wednesday March 1, 2023 'Thursday Workout'

Strength: 4 Rounds For Quality

5 Bench Press + 50ft D-ball Carry **Add weight throughout rounds**

Workout: For Time

2 Rope Climbs


2 Rounds

25 Situps

15 Cal. Row or Ski


2 Rope Climbs


2 Rounds

15 Russian Swings

10 Cal. Row/Ski


2 Rope Climbs

Tuesday February 28, 2023 'Wednesday Workout'

Strength: 4×3 Back Squats @75%-80% + 3 Box Jumps **increase height if you can**

Workout: For Time

40 Double unders

30 Pushups

20 DB Step up RX 24″/20″ **1DB 50lb/35lb**

40 Double unders

20 Handstand Push ups

20 DB Step ups

40 Double unders

10 Strict HSPU

20 DB Step up

40 Double unders

Monday February 27, 2023 'Tuesday Workout'

Workout: For Time

Teams of 2!

800m Run

60 DB Hang Clean + Jerk (50/35)

80 Wallballs RX(20lb/14lb, 10ft/9ft) RX+(11ft/10ft target )

100 Cal. Row/Echo/Ski

40 DB Hang Clean + Jerk

60 Wallballs

80 Cals…

20 DB Hang Clean + Jerk

40 Wallballs

60 Cals…

800m Run

Sunday February 26, 2023 'Monday Workout'

Strength: Power Snatch 5×3 *Reset each rep, add weight throughout sets*

Workout: For Time

21 Front Squats RX(95/65)

7 Wall Walks

21 Toes To Bar

15 Front Squats

5 Wall Walks

15 Toes To Bar

9 Front Squats

3 Wall Walks

9 Toes To Bar

Thursday February 23, 2023 'Friday Workout'

Workout: CrossFit Open 23.1A & 23.2B

23.2A: Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:

5 Burpee pull-ups **Scaled add 5 burpees each round**

10 Shuttle runs (1 rep=50ft)

*Add 5 burpee pull-ups after each round.*

23.2B Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:

1 rep max THRUSTER (From the floor)

Wednesday February 22, 2023 'Thursday Workout'

Strength: 8-6-4-2 Strict Press + :20 second L-Sit hold on parallel bars

Workout: For Time

6-9-12-15-12-9-6 Calorie Row/Ski

15 Situps

10 Air Squats

Tuesday February 21, 2023 'Wednesday Workout'

Strength: Back squats 4×4 @ 70%-75%

Workout: For Time

20 Burpees to 6″ Target BUY IN


Box Jumps 24″/20″

American KB Swings 53/35

20 Burpees to 6″ Target BUY OUT

Monday February 20, 2023 'Tuesday Workout'

Workout: For Time

Teams of 2!

200 Calorie Row/Echo/Ski

100ft Handstand Walk (25ft increments) RX+(If you break 5 Synchro burpee penalty 6″ target ) **Scaling 12 Wall Walks**

150 Cal. Row/Echo/Ski

100ft Handstand Walk

100 Cal. Row/Echo/Ski

100ft Handstand Walk

Sunday February 19, 2023 'Monday Workout'

Strength: Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes

5 Chest To Bar Pull ups + 2 “Squat” Snatches **Increase weight throughout if form is good**

Workout: For Time

20-16-12-8-4 Front Squats RX(115/75)

30 Double unders

10-8-6-4-2 Alternating Devil Press RX(50/35)

Thursday February 16, 2023 'Friday Workout'

Workout: CF OPEN 23.1!

14 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

60 Calorie Row

50 Toes To Bar **Scaled Hanging Knees to chest**

40 Wallballs RX(20lb/14lb, 10ft/9ft) **Scaled (14lb/10lb, 10ft/9ft)**

30 Power Cleans RX(135/95) **Scaled 95lb./65lb.**

20 RIng Muscle ups **Scaled Chin over bar pull ups**

For masters 55+ we will have RX and scaling options on the board along with foundations