Strength: Back squats 5×3
Workout: For Time
Thrusters RX(75/55) RX+(95/65)
Box Jumps
Strict Pull ups
Extra Credit: 3-4 sets
12-15 Reverse Hypers
15 GHD Situps
Workout: For Time
Teams of 2!
100 Barbell floor Press RX(155/105)
*Partner 1 chips away at the floor presses as partner 2 Performs a D-ball Hold. You cannot floor press if partner drops the D-ball switch back and forth as needed*
50m Walking Lunges (Together)
100 Calorie Echo
**Partner 1 chips away at the Calories as Partner 2 Holds a PLANK HOLD. You cannot pedal if your partner is not holding the plank switch back and forth*
50m Walking Lunges (Together)
200 Stick situps
*Partner 1 chips way at the situps as Partner 2 holds a double KB Farmer Carry hold (53/35). You cannot do situps if your partner drops or rest on the Farmer holds, switch back and forth as needed*
50m Walking Lunges (Together)
Intervals : 22 minutes with a partner on rower
Partner 1: 250m (RX+400m each)
Partner 2: rest
***Work/rest ratio should be almost 1:1***
Workout: 3 Rounds For Time
400m Run
21 KB Swings
7 Wall Walks
Strength: Push Press 10-8-6-4-2
Workout: 9 Minute Ladder
Power Snatch RX(95/65)
Lateral Burpee over Barbell
35 Double unders
Strength: Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes
7 Toes To Bar
5 Power Cleans RX(135/95) **Add weight throughout**
3 Front Squats
Workout: For Time
21 Front Squats RX(95/65) RX+(135/95)
7 Bar Muscle ups (RX+ 12 BMU)
15 Front Squats
5 Bar Muscle ups (RX+ 9 BMU)
9 Front Squats
3 Bar Muscle ups (RX+ 6 BMU)
**If you have to scale to C2b or pull ups perform 24-18-12**
Strength: Back Squat 4×4
Workout: 5 Rounds For Time
5 Power Cleans (135/95)
7 Lateral Burpees over Barbell
5 Push Jerks (135/95)
7 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
200m Run
Workout: For Time
Teams of 2!
2 Minute D-ball Hold or KB Front Rack hold (53/35) (Accumulate between you and your partner)
80 Barbell Floor Press RX(135/95) RX+(165/115)
160 Stick Situps
1000m Row
90 Second D-ball Hold or KB Front Rack Hold
60 Floor Press
120 Stick Situps
1000m Row
60 Second D-ball hold or KB Front Rack Hold
40 Floor Press
80 Stick Situps
1000m Row
Extra Credit: 3-4 sets
10-15 Barbell Curls
20-30 Banded Tricep Ext
10-12 DB Hammer Curls
Strength: Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes
3 Position “Squat” Snatch (1 High Hang Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch) **Work on form add weight if snatches look good!**
Workout: For Time
Power Snatch (95/65)
Toes To Bar
42-30-18 (Ladies 36-24-12 Cals)
Calorie Echo/Assault Bike/Ski
Strength: Strict Press 10-8-6-4-2
Workout: 15 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
42 Double unders
30 Wallballs
18 Push ups
Workout: 36 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
Teams of 2!
80 Pull ups
400m Run
60 “Squat” Cleans RX(135/95)
400m Run
40 Handstand Push ups (RX+ Strict HSPU)
400m Run
20 Ring Dips (RX+ MU to Dips)
400m Run