Strength: Box Squats 4×5
Workout: For Time
Teams of 2!
40 Cal Echo/Ass Bike
20 Power Clean + Jerk RX(135/95)
40 Calorie Row/Ski
20 Power Clean + Jerk RX(165/115)
40 Calorie Echo/Ass Bike
20 Power Clean + Jerk RX(185/135)
40 Calorie Row/Ski
Workout: 5 Rounds For Quality (26 Minute CAP)
3 Rope Climbs
15 DB Bench Press RX(50/35) RX+(70/50)
50m Sled Push (HEAVY’ish)
3×10 DB Curls + 3×20 Banded Tricep ext
3×10 DB Hammer Curls + 3×20 Box/Bench Dips or 3×12 Ring Dips
3×50 Situps + 3×50 Plate Twist
Strength: Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes
1 “Squat” Snatch **Add weight throughout**
Workout: For Time
Thrusters RX(75/55) RX+(95/65)
Toes To Bar
Lateral Burpees over Barbell
Workout: For Time (45 Minute CAP)
Teams of 2!
1 Mile Run (Together) **RX+ 1.5Mile run together**
3000m Row **RX+ 4000m Row**
150 Cal. ECHO **RX+ 200 Cal ECHO**
(If you and your partner have a bike more than welcome to hit the 5k loop!)
Strength: Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes
1 “Squat” Clean **Add weight throughout and find heavy single for day**
Workout: For Time
5 Bar Muscle ups **RX+ 10 Bar Muscle ups** BUY IN
5 Rounds
50 Double unders
10 Front Squats (135/95)
**If you have to scale the BMU do 15 C2B, Pullups, banded pull ups or Ring Rows**
Strength: Back Squats 2×4, 2×2
Workout: For Time
21 Power Cleans RX(135/95)
42 Wallballs (20/14)
15 Power Cleans
30 Wallballs
9 Power Cleans
18 Wallballs
10 Barbell RDL’s + 10 DB Incline Bench x3 sets
10 Barbell Bent Rows + 10 DB Incline Curls x3 sets
10 DB Flys + 10 DB Skull Crushers x3 sets
Workout: For Time
15 Box Jumps
30 Russian Swings
45 Strict Situps
10 Box Jumps
20 Russian Swings
30 Strict Situps
5 Box Jumps
10 Russian Swings
15 Strict Situps
Strength: 10 Minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
1 Power Snatch + 1 “Squat” Snatch **Add weight throughout**
Workout: For Time
100 Double unders
40 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)
20 Cal. Row/Echo/Ski
100 double unders
40 Single DB Overhead Lunges (20 on right arm/20 on left arm)
20 Cal. Row/Ski/Echo
100 Double unders
40 Single arm Thruster (20 on right arm/20 on left arm)
20 Cal. Row/Ski/Echo
**Must change machines every time going to cals…**
Workout: For Time (45 Minute CAP)
Teams of 2!
1 Mile Run
20 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pull ups, 10 Push ups, 15 Air Squats) ***RX+ 30 Rounds of Cindy with vest***
1 Mile Run
***Partner 1 performs 1 round of cindy as partner 2 rest then switch till you hit a TOTAL of 20 or 30 rounds***
***If you have a vest dust it off and bring it in we don’t really have any for community***
Strength: 10 Minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
2 “Squat” Cleans **Increase weight throughout**
Workout: 3 Rounds For Time
15 Deadlifts RX(205/145) RX+(275/185)
15 Kipping Handstand Push ups (RX+ Strict Deficit HSPU 55/35 plates)
15 Toes To Bar