Strength: Power Snatches
- 3x 50%, 2x 60%, 1x 70%
2. 3x 60%, 2x 70%, 1x 80%
3. 3x 70%, 2x 80%, 1x 85+%
Workout: For Time
Thrusters RX(75lb/55lb) RX+(95lb/65lb)
Burpees to 6″ target
Strength: Power Snatches
2. 3x 60%, 2x 70%, 1x 80%
3. 3x 70%, 2x 80%, 1x 85+%
Workout: For Time
Thrusters RX(75lb/55lb) RX+(95lb/65lb)
Burpees to 6″ target