Strength: 12 Minute EMOM(Every Minute On the Minute)
1 “Squat” Clean + Power Jerk **Increase weight throughout**
Workout: For Time
20 Deadlifts RX(185lb/135lb) BUY IN
4 Rounds **RX+ 5 Rounds**
10 Toes To Bar
20 Wallballs
20 Deadlifts BUY OUT
Strength: 12 Minute EMOM(Every Minute On the Minute)
1 “Squat” Clean + Power Jerk **Increase weight throughout**
Workout: For Time
20 Deadlifts RX(185lb/135lb) BUY IN
4 Rounds **RX+ 5 Rounds**
10 Toes To Bar
20 Wallballs
20 Deadlifts BUY OUT