Tuesday Workout August 7, 2023
Monday August 7, 2023 'Tuesday Workout'

Workout: For Time

Teams of 2!

25 Synchro Toes To Bar

50 Burpee Box Jump Overs RX 24″/20″

75 Cal. Echo Bike

100 Double Unders **You both with do dubs together and both will perform 100 before moving on**

20 Synchro Toes To Bar

40 Burpee BJ Overs

60 Cal. Echo Bike

80 Double Unders **Both doing 80 each at the same time**

15 Synchro Toes To Bar

30 Burpee Box Jump Overs

45 Cal. Echo Bike

60 Double Unders **Both doing 60 each at the same time**