- Bench Press 4×5 + Rings Rows 4×10
- DB Incline Bench 3×10+ Hammer Curls 3×10
Workout: For Time
4-8-12-16-20 Back Rack Lunges RX(95/65) RX+(115/75)
2 Rope Climbs
200m Run
Strength: 5 Minutes to accumulate as many meters as possible on rower!
Workout: For Time
100 Double unders,
2 Rounds
60 Strict Situps
20 Cal. Row/Echo/Ski
100 Double unders
2 Rounds
20 American KB Swings RX(53/35)
20 Cal. Row/Echo/Ski
100 Double unders
Workout: For Time
Teams of 2!
10 Wall Walks
2 Rounds
30 Box Jumps RX(24″/20″)
30 Alternating DB Devil Press RX(50lb/35lb)
20 Chest facing HSPU
2 Rounds
30 DB Step ups RX(24″/20″) (1 DB 50lb/35lb)
30 Single Arm Thruster RX(50lb/35lb)
30 Strict HSPU
2 Rounds
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs RX(24″/20″)
30 Alternating DB Snatches RX(50lb/35lb)
Strength: Back Squats 4×4
Workout: 14 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
5 Power Clean + Jerk RX(135/95) RX+(165/115)
10 Pull ups
15 Wallballs RX(20lb/14lb, 10ft/9ft)
Strength: “Squat” Snatch 2-2-2-2
Workout: For Time
Thrusters RX(75/55)
Deadlifts RX(75/55)
Burpees to 6″ target
Strength: 4-5 Rounds For Quality
5 Strict Press
10 DB Bent Rows (10 on right/10 on left)
15 Barbell Curls
Workout: For Time
30-20-10 Russian KB Swings RX(53/35) RX+(70/35)
15-10-5 Box Jumps RX(24″/20″) RX+(30″/24″)
5-3-1 Rope Climbs RX+(No jump on the 15ft rope)
Workout: For Time (40 min. cap)
Teams of 2!
800m Run **RX+ 1 Mile Run together**
100 Cal. Row
100 Cal. Echo
100 Cal. Row
100 Cal. Echo
800m Run **RX+ 1 Mile Run together**
Strength: Every 90 seconds for 15 Minutes
1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats **Increase weight throughout**
Workout: For Time
100 Double unders BUY IN
2 Rounds
50 Push ups
50 Air Squats
50 Situps
100 Double under BUY OUT
Workout: For Time! *30 Minute cap*
Teams of 2
3 Rounds
100ft DB Walking Lunges RX(50/35) *Hang Position* 25ft sections
40 Toes To Bar
2 Rounds
100ft DB Walking Lunges *Front Rack Position*
30 Chest To Bar pull ups
1 Rounds
100ft DB Walking Lunges *Overhead position*
20 Bar Muscle ups
Strength: Push Jerk 3-3-3-3
Workout: For Time
20 Alternating DB Snatches RX(50/35)
2 Rounds
30 Wallballs RX(20lb/14lb, 10ft/9ft)
30 Double unders
20 Alternating DB Snatches RX(50/35)
2 Rounds
15 Wallballs RX(20lb,14lb, 10ft/9ft)
30 Double unders
20 Alternating DB Snatches RX(50/35)