Friday WOD June 9, 2016
Thursday June 9, 2016 'Friday WOD'

ITS FRIDAY, i know its almost the weekend if you can come in for some tech. work come on in and work on your weakness. If you want to do Coltons Birthday WOD you’ll just warm up with class and get after it. See you all at the BOX!

SWOD: Power Snatch 3×3, 2×2, 2×1

WOD: 4 Rounds For Time

30 Double Unders

20 Air Squats

10 Ball To Shoulder

or Coltons Birthday WOD

400m Run

16 Snatches 95lb./65lb.

31 Double Unders

400m Row

16 Cleans 95lb./65lb.

31 Deadlifts (same weight)

400m Run

16 Pull Ups

31 Box Jumps

400m Row

16 Thrusters


400m Run