Friday WOD October 14, 2016
Friday October 14, 2016 'Friday WOD'


Today is a sad day at Lena, one of our first members Nyx will be leaving us. His awesome wife Allison, and little girl B.K. will be moving back home to Kentucky. We are excited for them as they take on this new adventure, but are very sad to see them leave. Nyx has been crushing it at the 6 am class for the past few years..or Nyx is it really the 6:08 am class? Hahaha Best of luck, and please keep in touch. Stop on in if you’re every back in Bradenton.

SWOD: Find Heavy Clean And Jerk for the day (whatever you can do the most with, power clean, clean, Push Press, Push Jerk, Split jerk)


WOD: Jackie

1000m Row

50 Thrusters (empty bar)

30 Pull Ups