Monday WOD February 15, 2016
Monday February 15, 2016 'Monday WOD'

Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day and filled up on those Reese hearts. We have another great week of programming this week. Reminder, the Battle Of The Boxes is this Saturday at CrossFit Havok if you have nothing going on this weekend swing on by and root on your gym members. If you’re competing and want to test out a few more of the workouts before game day, let me know well work on it at whatever time you can get in here. Also, if you’d like to be a judge at the CrossFit Open please let me know i will pay for it because i could whoever wants to help out. Remember to sign up for the OPEN, everyones doing it and it’ll be the only thing we talk about for 5 weeks….See you all at the BOX!


SWOD: Back Squat 4×4 75%-80%

WOD: CF Open 15.1


15 Toes To Bar

10 Deadlifts (115lb./75lb.)

5 Snatches (115lb./75lb.)