Monday WOD November 21, 2016
Monday November 21, 2016 'Monday WOD'

Hey guys hope everyone had a great weekend, our HOLIDAY schedule will be normal Monday-Wednesday times. Thanksgiving Day well only have 1 class at 8am to do a HERO WOD before the feasting, bring your friends and Family. Friday we will be CLOSED and Saturday well have our usual 9am class. See you all at the BOX!

WOD: Pause Front Squats 4×1

WOD: For Time

400m Run

21 KB Swings

42 Sit Ups

3 Rope Climbs

400m Run

15 KB Swings

30 Sit Ups

2 Rope Climbs

400m Run

9 KB Swings

18 Sit Ups

1 Rope Climb