Tuesday WOD December 29, 2015
Tuesday December 29, 2015 'Tuesday WOD'

Hey guys reminder well have Yoga at 7:15pm right after the evening class.

CLASS SCHEDULE for the week Wednesday class is normal.

Thursday well have a 6am, 9am and open gym from 10am-5pm.


Saturday 9am open gym from 10am-12pm.

See you all at the BOX!

SWOD: Strict Press

WOD: For Time

15 Power Cleans (135lb./95lb.)

15 Ring dips

25 Weighted Sit ups

25 Double Unders

10 Power Cleans

10 Ring Dips

25 Weighted Sit Ups

25 Double Unders

5 Power Cleans

5 Ring Dips

25 Weighted Sit Ups

25 Double Unders