Wednesday WOD June 28, 2017
Wednesday June 28, 2017 'Wednesday WOD'

Schedule for next week and the one after:

Monday July 3rd usual class

Tuesday July 4th 8am CLASS ONLY.

Thursday July 6th we will NOT have open gym from 10am-4pm.

Friday July 7th same as the day before no open gym from 10am-4:30pm.

Sorry for any inconvenience guys, only for 2 days then back to normal open gym hours. See you all at the BOX!


6 Min EMOM 2-5 Muscle Ups/Banded MU/ 5 Push Ups+ 5 Box Dips

2min rest,

6Min EMOM 8-12 Strict Toes To Bar/Knees To Chest


WOD: 16min AMRAP

Teams of 2

150/100 Calorie  buy in,


4 HSPU/6 Push Ups

8 KB Swings

12 WallBalls


Accessory work:


1-2 Rounds

60 Plate Twist

50 Toe Touches

40 Side Crunches (2o each side)

30 Hollow Rocks


Shoulders 2×10 I-Y-T’s

Bicep Curls 3×10