Great Job on jackie today guys, there was tons of really fast times on the board. If you went all out on the past 2 days i want you to treat this wod as a casual active recovery day. Just kind of go through the movements, try to be proficient as possible at about 70%. If you haven’t been here or missing out go HAM yea you…We will also have Yoga Thursday at 7:15pm, Free for all members and friends. Find a friend, family member, dog, i don’t care bring yourself and someone for Yoga for some active recovery stretching which we all need. See you all at the BOX!
SWOD: Power Cleans
WOD: 6Min Ladder
Toes To Bar
Plank Burpees
rest 2 mins
10 Lunges
20 Double Unders
10 Russian KB Swings