Wednesday WOD October 28, 2015
Wednesday October 28, 2015 'Wednesday WOD'

Great Job on jackie today guys, there was tons of really fast times on the board. If you went all out on the past 2 days i want you to treat this wod as a casual active recovery day. Just kind of go through the movements, try to be proficient as possible at about 70%. If you haven’t been here or missing out go HAM yea you…We will also have Yoga Thursday at 7:15pm, Free for all members and friends. Find a friend, family member, dog, i don’t care bring yourself and someone for Yoga for some active recovery stretching which we all need. See you all at the BOX!



SWOD: Power Cleans

WOD: 6Min Ladder


Toes To Bar

Plank Burpees

rest 2 mins


10 Lunges

20 Double Unders

10 Russian KB Swings