Wednesday WOD December 23, 2015
Wednesday December 23, 2015 'Wednesday WOD'

Hey guys this is the same 12 days as last year, if you’ve never done this workout before and don’t know the format ill explain it in class. It’ll be a fun workout take your time and enjoy. Well have normal schedule, Thursday well only have a 6am and 9am and open gym till 1. See you all at the BOX!



WOD: For Time

1 Power Clean

2 Deadlifts

3 Box Jumps

4 Handstand Push/ Push Up

5 Chest to Bar Pull up/ Pull Up/ Ring Rows

6 Toes To Bar

7 Burpees

8 KB Swings

9 Goblet Squats

10 Double Unders

11 Slamballs

12 Wallballs