Wednesday WOD March 15, 2016
Tuesday March 15, 2016 'Wednesday WOD'

Great work today guys, reminder well have our usual showing of the CrossFit OPEN Thursday night at 8pm. Well have a grill and chill as were finding out whats in store for us Friday and Saturday and some for you Monday as well. Also, Dave will be coming in the morning and at 4:30 to show us some breathing  and muscular inhibition  exercises. Lets get after it till then, See you all at the BOX!


WOD #1


Handstand Push Ups

Weighted Lunges

Hollow Rocks

KB Swings

WOD #2

10 Min AMRAP

10 Ball Slams

10 Toes To Bar/ V Ups

10 Plate Twist (20 total)

100m farmers carry